America Makes Names New Members of Executive Committee

The Executive Committee iworks together to make sure appropriate strategy, policy, and advocacy are in place for America Makes to achieve its mission

Members understand the current and future state of the industry and provide counsel to the Institute on data management and IP policy and more.

America Makes has announced the newly elected members of its executive committee.


The Executive Committee, comprised of members of industry, academia, government, workforce and economic development organizations, works together to make sure appropriate strategy, policy, and advocacy are in place for America Makes to achieve its mission—to accelerate the adoption of additive manufacturing (AM) and the nation’s global manufacturing competitiveness. Members understand the current and future state of the industry and provide counsel to the Institute on data management and IP policy, technical scope, membership value and outreach, ecosystem development and partnership strategies, workforce education and training, and support strategic growth efforts.

The committee, which meets regularly, consists of three appointed government representatives and eight representatives elected from three sectors within its membership community—nonprofit, academia, and industry. Each elected member serves a two-year term.

2024-26 America Makes Executive Committee

  • Sandra DeVincent Wolf, Ph.D., executive director, Carnegie Melon University Manufacturing Futures Institute
  • Barb Ewing, CEO, Youngstown Business Incubator
  • Jonaaron Jones, president and general manager, Additive Manufacturing Division, Beehive Industries
  • Brian Meincke, vice president, Global Business Development and Innovation Strategy, ASTM International
  • Nick Mulé, director, Additive Manufacturing Intelligence Center, Boeing
  • Hector Sandoval, technical fellow for Additive Manufacturing, Lockheed Martin Missiles and Fire Control
  • Mark Shaw, chief engineer of Defense Industrial Base Strategy, National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR)
  • Rick Russell, principal ADDvisor, The Barnes Global Advisors

Government Representatives

  • David Beck, Ph.D., principal, Space Industrial Base, U.S. Space Force
  • Robert Carter, deputy chief, Materials and Structures Division, NASA Glenn Research Center
  • Laura Macht, engineer & Project Management, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) DEVCOM Aviation & Missile Center (AvMC)

“I’m thrilled to welcome this dynamic group of newly elected Executive Committee members,” says America Makes Executive Director John Wilczynski. “Diversity has always been a cornerstone of our Executive Committees. This group brings representation from every corner of the additive manufacturing value chain and their unique insights and strategic guidance will be vital as we continue pushing the boundaries of our mission.”

The first order of business for the Executive Committee will be to elect a chairperson and secretary.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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