Computer Aided Technology and Onulis Partner

Partnership to focus on additive manufacturing efforts.

Partnership to focus on additive manufacturing efforts.

The W7500 printer from Onulis solidifies unused UV resin into solid plastic stock that can be used to produce components. Image courtesy of Onulis.

Computer Aided Technology, Inc. (CATI), provider of product development solutions, 3D printing, scanning and metrology, and Onulis, a company focused on solving gaps in the additive manufacturing workflow, have partnered to bring the WRAP (Waste Resin Axial Printing) W7500 to the North American market.

The W7500 printer from Onulis solidifies unused UV resin into solid plastic stock that can be used to produce components, such as jigs and fixtures, via CNC machining and is safe for disposal.

“As we continue to seek ways to positively impact the environment through our offerings, we identified Onulis as a natural partner based on their extensive background in product development and focus on creating intuitive products that help solve existing needs in the market,” says Rich Werneth, CEO of Computer Aided Technology.

“The team at CATI brings a knowledgeable and experienced go-to-market vehicle that enables an accelerated adoption for this important eco-minded technology,” says Mark Swart, CEO of Onulis. “We chose CATI as partners as they align with our mission to provide technologies that solve workflow gaps and environmental challenges that exist in today's additive manufacturing solutions.”

Lessening the impact on the environment and avoiding costs of disposing hazardous waste, the W7500 printer is sure to be a staple in additive manufacturing facilities.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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