CRP USA to Exhibit at RAPID 2016

The company will be showcasing its latest software solutions and AM applications.

CRP USA will be exhibiting at this year’s SME RAPID event next week in Orlando, Florida. The company is showcasing its latest Windform additive manufacturing solutions for motorsport, space and automotive industries.

These applications include an intake manifold, PrintSat, CAN-SAT Dispenser and the Windform GT 3D-printed orthotics.

The intake manifold, made in Windform SP, showcases Windform being used in a high-performance motorsports application. PrintSat (small satellite composed by card cage, propulsion unit, solar panels and made from Windform XT 2.0) shows off CRP USA’s work in aerospace. CAN-SAT Dispenser also made in Windform XT 2.0 is a dispenser for very small satellites and it is the result of a collaborative project, the company states.

According to a press release, the CRP USA team is thrilled to attend the show and will be on hand to discuss their practices with potential customers. Windform materials are strongly used in high-performing sectors for their mechanical properties and CRP USA is considered to be the right technological partner when it comes to top level additive manufacturing.

For more information, visit CRP USA.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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