EOS Integrates Oqton’s Build Quality Suite for Improved AM Processes

Oqton Build Quality integrates with EOSCONNECT Core library for in-situ IoT and image analysis, according to companies.

Oqton Build Quality integrates with EOSCONNECT Core library for in-situ IoT and image analysis, according to companies.

Oqton, a software provider, has collaborated closely with EOS to achieve integration of its Build Quality suite to EOSCONNECT Core. This tool has potential to enable production of quality parts, and process repeatability for accelerated time to market. Oqton Build Quality is an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered solution for metal powder bed printers that evaluates build performance across manufacturing workflows to prevent, detect, and can help with the correction of anomalies and defects.

The integration of this solution with EOS software will enable end-to-end traceability of additively manufactured parts to help EOS’ customers meet quality assurance standards.  

Oqton Build Quality encompasses 3DXpert Build Simulation, Manufacturing OS Build Monitoring, and 3DXpert Build Inspection to monitor the manufacturing process and mitigate anomalies resulting from errors during the build setup, printing, or with materials. The solution works with image and sensor technology that is integrated into a variety of metal printers augmented with cutting edge AI algorithms.

Detecting and correcting anomalies early in the process helps ensure the success of each build—from first article inspection through final part—enabling manufacturers to develop repeatable processes for prototyping and production that efficiently yield high-quality parts while reducing costs. The software suite addresses the needs of a variety of manufacturers that rely on additive manufacturing technologies including product and equipment manufacturers (i.e., OEMs), service bureaus and engineering services teams, and those responsible for quality assurance. The solution is designed to focus on key areas before, during and after the build to maximize processes and outcomes.

“The new Oqton Build Quality suite has the potential to lead to a significant leap in terms of quality assessment of additively manufactured metal components,” says Rüdiger Herfrid, product manager, software, EOS GmbH. “The ease of use and automatic reporting capabilities are a key step towards the end-to-end traceability and assessment of AM parts. EOS customers can now access AI capabilities within the Oqton Build Quality suite, thanks to seamless integration with EOS software and the close collaboration between Oqton as a partner of the EOS Developer Network.” 

“Metal 3D printing has unlocked reliable production of final parts, but ensuring consistent quality was a challenge,” says Kirill Volchek, chief technology officer, Oqton. “This stems from factors such as inconsistent processes, diverse equipment, and multiple software vendors. Oqton's Build Quality cuts through this complexity, offering a unified, reliable solution. After proving the technology first with 3D Systems, it’s exciting to see adoption of Build Quality expanding, and our collaboration with EOS is a wonderful next step. I’m looking forward to seeing the positive impact this game-changing solution can have in empowering EOS’s customers to achieve unmatched production efficiency.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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