F1 Team of Alfa Romeo Racing Strengthens Technology Partnership with Additive Industries

On behalf of Alfa Romeo Racing, Sauber Engineering, like the F1 team part of the Sauber Group and using the technology, has ordered its fourth multi-module, four-laser MetalFAB1 Productivity system.

On behalf of Alfa Romeo Racing, Sauber Engineering, like the F1 team part of the Sauber Group and using the technology, has ordered its fourth multi-module, four-laser MetalFAB1 Productivity system.

Additive Industries announces that it has strengthened its Technology Partnership with the F1 team of Alfa Romeo Racing. Image courtesy of Additive Industries.

Additive Industries announces that it has strengthened its Technology Partnership with the F1 team of Alfa Romeo Racing. On behalf of Alfa Romeo Racing, Sauber Engineering, like the F1 team part of the Sauber Group and using the technology, has ordered its fourth multi-module, four-laser MetalFAB1 Productivity system. With this, Sauber Engineering became the largest customer of Additive Industries with high productivity metal 3D printing capacity in stainless steel, aluminium and titanium.

“Only two years ago we announced the technology partnership at Rapid.Tech and bought two MetalFAB1 systems that would be extended to two 6-module systems in three years,” says Christoph Hansen, head of Technical Development at Sauber Engineering AG. “In the meantime we have accelerated the upgrade, installed a third system and now ordered a fourth one, all in two years’ time. In parallel we are expanding our in-house capabilities with post-process machining and HIPing.” 

“Our installed base is growing fast, not only with new customers in our core markets like aerospace and the automotive industry but also through existing customers like Sauber Engineering, who are advancing to become one of the leading companies in industrial 3D printing in Europe, ramping up production,” Daan Kersten, CEO of Additive Industries, adds.

“Although most users of metal additive manufacturing are still applying prototyping systems, we see an increasing number of companies concluding they need dedicated systems for series production,” Kersten says. “Our modular MetalFAB1 family is the only proven system on the market today designed for this use. We are grateful and proud to be technology partner to Sauber Engineering and the F1 team of Alfa Romeo Racing.”

More information

Pictures of Christoph Hansen, Head of Technical Development Sauber Engineering, next to the MetalFAB1 system and pictures of the F1 team Alfa Romeo Racing can be found on the www.additiveindustries.com website.

Media contact Sauber Engineering/Alfa Romeo Racing:

Thomas Hofmann, Head of Communications

Mobile: +41 79 309 14 40

E-mail: thomas.hofmann@sauber-group.com


Contact Additive Industries

Daan A.J. Kersten, CEO  

Mobile: +31 (0)653400630

E-mail: d.kersten@additiveindustries.com


Additive Industries b.v.

Achtseweg Zuid 155, NL 5651 GW  Eindhoven, The Netherlands

P.O. Box 30160, NL 5600 GA  Eindhoven, The Netherlands             



About Additive Industries

Additive Industries is accelerating industrial additive manufacturing of high quality, functional, metal parts by offering a modular end-to-end 3D printing system including a seamlessly integrated information platform to high end and demanding industrial markets. With substantially improved reproducibility, productivity, and flexibility, Additive Industries redefines the business case for series production of additive manufacturing applications in aerospace, automotive, medical technology and high-tech equipment.

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