Hawk Ridge Systems Explores Capabilities of New SOLIDWORKS Solution

Engineering design professionals can discover how to maximize use of comprehensive tool via instructive webinar.

Engineering design professionals can discover how to maximize use of comprehensive tool via instructive webinar.

Following the July launch of Dassault Systèmes’ SOLIDWORKS Ultimate product development solution, the experts at Hawk Ridge Systems have published an on-demand webinar, available here, that explores capabilities of the platform solution.

Led by Scott Woods, senior technical product manager at Hawk Ridge Systems, the video tutorial offers a step-by-step guide to help engineering design and product development professionals learn of tools that will help them streamline product development in the cloud.

SOLIDWORKS Ultimate builds on 3D design by laying the groundwork for simulation, manufacturing, marketing, and management tools that boost product development processes.

“The engineers and designers we work with have been eagerly awaiting the launch of SOLIDWORKS Ultimate,” says Woods. “This all-in-one design-to-manufacturing software package delivers everything needed to design and produce innovative, cutting-edge products. With SOLIDWORKS Ultimate, you can access comprehensive tools at a fraction of the cost of purchasing comparable tools independently.”

The webinar offers the following key benefits:

  • Explore capabilities of SOLIDWORKS Ultimate: Go beyond design and access tools that address every aspect of product development
  • Single source of truth: Enhance data accuracy by eliminating the need for importing, exporting, moving, or duplicating data
  • Recognize the value of integrated tools: Review how to facilitate cross-disciplinary collaboration among teams
  • Optimize your SOLIDWORKS tools for efficiency
  • Streamline design, management, and production workflows: Use cloud computing for simulation and specialized design tools for complex projects

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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