Materialise Releases 3D Printing Trends for 2024 Video

This year Materialises suggests that 3D printing isn’t just increasing—it’s shifting.

This year Materialises suggests that 3D printing isn’t just increasing—it’s shifting.

Materialise shares 3D Printing Trends for 2024 in a new video. Image courtesy of Materialise.

At the end of every year, Materialise says it reflects on the 3D printing industry asking, what will we see in the year to come? Normally, Materialise says the answer is the same: “The industry continues to grow.”

This year Materialises suggests that 3D printing isn’t just increasing—it’s shifting. “We see shifting approaches. Shifting mindsets. Shifting markets. And even shifting limitations,” the company said in a statement.

These are the trends Materialise expects to have the biggest impact in 2024:

3D printing: two distinct paths to adoption, according to Materialise. The rise of 3D printing’s ‘middle class’: mid-range machines for the mid-range market. Traditionally, 3D printing offered two options: low-budget or a top-end machine—until now.

Shifting mindsets: from ‘why?’ to ‘how?’ Companies are familiar with the benefits of 3D printing—now, they're asking how they can integrate the technology and scale up production, according to Materialise.

Mass manufacturing meets 3D printing: Inspiring innovations in markets such as China, the US, and Germany are beginning to make 3D printing's costs as desirable as its benefits, Materialise reports.

Watch the Materialise 3D Printing Trends for 2024 video to learn more about the four trends Materialise expects to have the biggest impact in the year to come.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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