NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab Picks SciArt’s Generative Design Tool
SciArt’s topology optimization engine generates the lightest weight solutions for complex design problems, the company reports.
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October 2, 2020
SciArt Software, Inc. reports the selection of its ParetoWin generative design tool by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL). SciArt’s topology optimization engine generates the lightest weight solutions for complex design problems, the company reports.
ParetoWin is SciArt’s flagship product, giving engineers access to the Pareto features on their desktops or basic laptop. The design optimization tool reduces product design timelines from several months to a few weeks using techniques in generative design. Most design concepts can be generated in minutes on an engineer’s workstation without the need to transfer data to the cloud, the company says.
“JPL is leading the world in high-end design and manufacturing,” says Anjoo Rai-Marchant, CEO, SciArt Software, Inc. “SciArt is honored to support their innovative scientific endeavors by helping reduce the mechanical design process timeline with our proprietary software tools.”
Pareto, originally developed at the University of Wisconsin—Madison, is a software that features design connectivity during optimization for complex, real-world problems, the company reports.
Product features include:
- Handles multiple load cases
- Manages multiple design constraints such as stiffness, strength, frequency and temperature
- Supports multiple manufacturing constraints based on manufacturing process (e.g., draw direction, extrusions, AM support minimization
- Optimize for multiple physical behaviors, including elasticity, modal and thermo-elastic
- Supports generating design concepts for one or more parts in a multi-body assembly
- Objective-driven design generation with design-oriented objectives (e.g., minimize weight, maximize strength, minimize compliance and maximize frequency)
- Quick results on your desktop or laptop: CPU and GPU ready
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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