Vitech Unveils GENESYS 2021 R2 Systems Engineering Software

Vitech announces the latest release of its model-based systems engineering platform.

Vitech announces the latest release of its model-based systems engineering platform.

GENESYS aims to improve the quality of systems engineering in organizations with its model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach. Image courtesy of Vitech.

Vitech, a Zuken company, is releasing GENESYS 2021 R2, the most recent version of its flagship systems engineering software. GENESYS improves the quality of systems engineering in organizations with its model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach. This release extends and improves the foundations for connectivity to other digital engineering products, which allows GENESYS to integrate diverse engineering data into a continuous digital thread.

With this release, GENESYS adds a web-based application programming interface, called a REST API. This API complements the existing GENESYS Open API to provide partners and customers with capabilities and options for implementing broad digital engineering solutions.

Another new capability is a simple-to-use viewpoint capability. With this feature, users can extract specific aspects of engineering data based on reusable queries. This helps to present relevant engineering data in a meaningful way to its intended consumers, whether they are part of the engineering teams or other stakeholders, the company reports.

There are also numerous improvements to performance and overall usability, Vitech notes. Diagnostic checks have been optimized to run more efficiently and now provide easier-to-understand error messages. A performance improvement has been realized in the Excel connector, where bulk operations now run 10 to 15 times faster.

“Open ecosystems allowing organizations to connect best-of-breed tools are critical to a successful digital transformation,” says David Long, Vitech president and CEO. “We believe the rich connectivity in GENESYS and the power of our systems approach bring tremendous value to our partners and customers seeking to realize this vision.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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