January 26, 2021
Inside This Issue:
Jumpstarting Simulation-Driven Design
Beyond new technologies such as the cloud and AI, organizations need to adopt best practices to make simulation pervasive throughout the design process.
A Glimpse of the Generative Design Market
Analysts speculate market impacts of COVID-19, and find ways to evaluate software efficiency.
An Alternative to AutoCAD
CorelCAD 2020 continues to play catch-up.
What’s New in AutoCAD 2021
There’s more to the new release than what Autodesk touts on its blog.
Can AI Take Simulation to a New Level?
Vendors explore the impact of machine learning for simulation models and processing.
At the Intersection of CAD and CAE
Mentoring is key to convergence success stories.
Simulation Blazes New Innovation Frontier
To advance the tech, vendors are boosting simulation’s accessibility to stakeholders and bringing in more functionalities for AI, automation and multidisciplinary modalities.
GPU-Driven Engineering
Mainstream engineering technology embraces shift to GPU-based real-time rendering.
Is PLM Up to the Digital Thread Challenge?
Engineers are reevaluating PLM’s role in enabling digital thread development.
Connecting Service to Design
Digital twin technology provides a bridge from design to service engineers in the field.
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