Aerospace & Defense PLM Action Group Publishes Report

Report details group's future vision for global collaboration.

Report details group's future vision for global collaboration.

Representatives of the Aerospace & Defense PLM Action Group (AD PAG), a group administered by CIMdata, have published their future vision for supply chain collaboration. The position paper is the culmination of a year's efforts by the team of domain experts from the seven-member companies and select Tier 1 suppliers.


Supply chain collaboration is undergoing an evolution supported by advancements in cloud-based technology,” says Ken Versprille, Ph.D., executive consultant, CIMdata, who administers the Group. “Aerospace and defense companies are looking to a future using these capabilities to improve their supply chain responsiveness.”

Since its founding in 2014, the AD PAG, administered by CIMdata, has sponsored research and jointly staffed projects on various prioritized industry and technology topics. These topics include Model-Based Definition, Multiple-View Bill of Materials, PLM Technology Obsolescence Management, Global Collaboration, Model-Based Systems Engineering, and Digital Twin/Digital Thread.

As an outcome of these investments, the Group has released a series of direction statements and position papers freely available for downloading from its website.

To download the paper, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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