America Makes Launches Jobs-Related Tool

AMJobs offers access to careers, designed to foster talent development, America Makes reports.

AMJobs offers access to careers, designed to foster talent development, America Makes reports.

America Makes has launched a new education and workforce development (EWD) digital tool, (AMJobs), in collaboration with CAST, Inc., a nonprofit education research and development organization focused on designing learning experiences. The digital platform was funded by the Ohio Department of Development.

The free tool, AMJobs, opens up access to a great range of additive manufacturing (AM) careers and helps foster talent development.


America Makes reports that its EWD training programs are focused on assisting individuals in exploring careers, developing industry-relevant skills, and accomplishing educational and career milestones.

“AMJobs opens the door for everyone to experience the world of AM, demystifying the industry and bringing its reality closer to those who may perceive it as unconventional. Considered as our 'front door,' it invites individuals to glimpse inside and gain insight into the dynamic AM industry,” says Emily Young, EWD project engineer at America Makes.

The initiative is comprised of input from pertinent stakeholders, educators, and K-12 students. These insights helped inform the platform's design. The contributors included: 

  • Samantha Snabes, re:3D, Inc.
  • Katie Schultz, VISN 12 Great Lakes VA Healthcare System 
  • Ayna Ramseur-Moore, CoCreate Stamford – GE Appliances 
  • Jill Marconi, Ohio Aerospace Institute 
  • Mireya Flores, W.M. Keck Center for 3D Innovation at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) 
  • Nick Duncan, MatterHackers 
  • Josh Dewitt, VA Medical Center Ralph H. Johnson Charleston 

America Makes designed the platform to be accessible for all learners through universal design for learning (UDL) approaches. UDL, developed by CAST is a research-driven framework for designing inclusive learning experiences.

To access AMJobs, visit To learn more about CAST, Inc., visit

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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