Concepts NREC Acquires RBTS

This strategic move reinforces Concepts NREC’s position as a comprehensive turbomachinery solutions provider, Concepts NREC reports.

This strategic move reinforces Concepts NREC’s position as a comprehensive turbomachinery solutions provider, Concepts NREC reports.

Concepts NREC has acquired RBTS, a company focused on rotordynamics engineering and software solutions. This strategic move reinforces Concepts NREC’s position as a comprehensive turbomachinery solutions provider, Concepts NREC reports.

Founded in 1986, Rotor Bearing Technology & Software, Inc. (RBTS) provides engineering services and software for the analysis of rotating machinery dynamics, bearings, bearing systems, and structural components. Customers of Concepts NREC and RBTS will experience immediate benefits, gaining access to an expanded pool of expertise and software capabilities.

As part of the acquisition, the skilled and experienced RBTS team will join Concepts NREC’s engineering professionals.

Concepts NREC will also bring on board RBTS’ rotordynamics software package called ARMD (advanced rotating machinery dynamics). The union of ARMD with Concepts NREC’s existing Agile Engineering Design Suite will broaden their software capabilities in the domain of rotating machinery dynamics and their support-bearing systems to create a comprehensive set of software tools available worldwide for turbomachinery design, engineering, and analysis, the companies report.

“The combination of our strengths and expertise creates powerful synergies that our customers will be able to rely on to solve their most demanding turbomachinery challenges,” states Sean McDermott, Concepts NREC CEO.

“Joining the team at Concepts NREC is an exciting chapter for us and is a testament to the shared commitment to excellence that we both share,” says Victor Obeid, RBTS engineering manager. “The team here is really looking forward to contributing our expertise to a company synonymous with end-to-end and cutting-edge turbomachinery solutions.”

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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