CONTACT Software Expands PLM Module

The new modularization features enable companies to avoid redundancies and enhance product development.

With Variants, CONTACT Software provides a module for variant management within its Elements platform.

A modular approach contributes to standardization of the product portfolio. Image courtesy of CONTACT Software.

The expansion of CONTACT’s PLM module for variant management simplifies companies' ability to standardize their product portfolio, according to CONTACT Software. The new modularization features enable companies to avoid redundancies and enhance product development.

A range of product variants presents pros and cons for companies. For one, it allows products to be individually configured by customers and adapted to regional markets. Conversely, the product portfolio can become complex, which can slow down development.

With Variants, CONTACT Software provides a module for variant management within its Elements platform, helping companies organize product variety and manage a range of variants.

CONTACT has added modularization functions to its variant management. These enable companies to standardize their product portfolio, reduce complexity at the product level, and avoid duplicates. They can develop new variants flexibly.]

A module is a reusable functional unit that can be integrated into different products. Unlike a component, a module is variable and is transferred into the product structure as a maximum bill of materials (BOM). 

The modularization features in CONTACT Variants can help companies with a large number of product variants: they can develop new products faster, leverage economies of scale in manufacturing, and simplify service, according to CONTACT Software. Any changes made to a module are automatically applied to all relevant products.

The extended CONTACT Variants has been available with the new release of CONTACT Elements. At the Open World 2024 from November 12 to 13, visitors can learn more about this and other innovations in CONTACT’s open low-code platform.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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