DeskProto V8 Now Released

New release features CNC toolpaths for V-Carving, company says.

New release features CNC toolpaths for V-Carving, company says.

V-Carving makes sharp inner corners possible (with toolpath by DeskProto). Image courtesy of DeskProto.

For users of small CNC milling machines, V-Carving is an application of use to exactly machine a 2D design by moving a V-shaped cutter along a 3D toolpath. Creating such a toolpath requires a complex calculation, according to Delft Spline Systems, which did not previously offer V-Carving.

The company explains more about V-Carving, a tool that offers those new to CNC machining an option to create signs and parts without much training. Additionally, experienced CNC users will find benefits to V-Carving as well, according to the company.

The new released DeskProto Version 8 low-cost CAM software offers:

  • 3D STL data, 2D vector data and bitmap reliefs
  • Capabilities for 3-axis, 4-axis and 5-axis
  • Windows, MacOS and Linux system compatibility.

“V-Carving is not only useful for making signs,” says Product Manager Lex Lennings. “It also makes it easy to create beautiful inlays. When you V-Carve both the base and the plug both parts will exactly fit.”

Other new features include an animated toolpath, an unlimited number of support tabs, and a few special ‘cutters’ like a hot wire and a laser cutter. More information about this new version can be found on the page “New features in DeskProto Version 8”.

Look for further details on:

  • V-Carving and inlays
  • Toolpath animation
  • Unlimited geometry supports
  • Laser engraving
  • Other special cutters

Some of the new features are not present in all editions of the DeskProto software. Check the Comparison table to see which features each edition offers. A video about the new version is located here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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