Podcast: CT Scanning Improves Product Quality

In our latest podcast, Ashley Bray of Volume Graphics describes the benefits of CT scanning for inspection and quality analysis, as well as how the technology combined with the right software can bridge the gap between simulation and reality.

In our latest podcast, Ashley Bray of Volume Graphics describes the benefits of CT scanning for inspection and quality analysis, as well as how the technology combined with the right software can bridge the gap between simulation and reality.

Every product or part that is produced will eventually need to be inspected. While companies have an array of different metrology and inspection tools available to them (laser scanning, micrometers, gauges, etc.), the traditional way to analyze materials or see inside a complex part is to break it open. That can be costly, time consuming, and isn’t even entirely reliable.

A wall thickness module in Volume Graphics software automatically localizes and color codes areas with an insufficient or excessive thickness or gap width directly within a voxel, point cloud, mesh or CAD data set. In this example, the module was used to examine the wall thickness of a Lycoming IO-540-E1B5 aircraft engine. Image courtesy of YXLON US.

Enter CT scanning, which allows companies to create a dimensionally accurate 3D model of a scanned object, both inside and out. Combined with advanced software that provides data analysis and visualization capabilities, CT scanning can provide significant cost and time savings, while improving inspection results.

In our latest DE 24/7 Podcast, Ashley Bray, Sales Engineer at Volume Graphics, talks about the benefits of using CT scanning for quality control and analysis, and how his company’s software can be combined with CT-generated images to provide highly accurate, non-destructive evaluation of parts and products. In addition, he also talks about the role of CT scanning in bridging the gap between simulation and reality, as well as its increasing importance in evaluating the results of generative design and additive manufacturing processes. 

After listening to the podcast, download the white paper, “The Connection between Smarter Scanning and Product Quality,” to learn more.

Intro and end music by Ben Sound.

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Brian Albright

Brian Albright is the editorial director of Digital Engineering. Contact him at de-editors@digitaleng.news.

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