Simcenter E-Machine Design Software Available

Accelerate, innovate, and optimize your electric machine design process.

Accelerate, innovate, and optimize your electric machine design process.

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Introducing Simcenter E-Machine Design software, a simulation tool that would accelerate the design process and validate designs early with multiphysics simulations. Siemens has released Simcenter E-Machine Design, which takes the best of Simcenter SPEED, Simcenter Motorsolve and Simcenter MAGNET for replicating electric machine experiments, according to Siemens.

 Simcenter E-Machine Design is designed to connect the pieces of the electric machine V-cycle and deliver on the Simcenter vision to help companies reduce product development time from 3-4 years to under 2 years. 


First, Simcenter E-Machine Design uses a template-based design approach. Engineers can leverage predefined templates tailored specifically for electric machines and they can design hundreds of machines virtually without being finite element experts. 

Second, Simcenter E-Machine Design unlocks the power of early multiphysics validation. Engineers can perform simulations early in the design phase, frontloading potential failure modes and ensuring robust performance. With this tool, engineers can predict and mitigate overheating issues, by running quick electrothermal simulations in a single tool.

Simcenter E-Machine Design now includes an Axial Flux machine module. This module enables engineers to predict the performance of axial flux machines in seconds. Thanks to the combination of interface templates on the input side and analytical analysis capabilities on the output side, engineers can harness the power of Axial Flux machines.

Users can now evaluate axial versus radial flux alternatives and prove to themselves whether higher power densities can be achieved. Simcenter E-Machine Design allows engineers to validate the electric machine within the drivetrain by integrating with the Simcenter portfolio. Being able to do a digital integration of your components enables you to go with higher confidence to your physical prototype stage, avoiding failures.

For system integration, Simcenter E-Machine Design allows you to create accurate Reduce Order Models (ROMS), which integrates into Simcenter AMESIM for a mechatronics simulation. If you are interested in an inverter-motor integration, then you can also incorporate your ROMs into Xpedition software or PartQuest software Explore.

For thermal integration, Simcenter E-Machine Design helps you leverage your model and build detailed multiphysics solutions in Simcenter STAR-CCM+.

For mechanical integration  in particular, validating the noise-vibration-harshness performance of the machine, gearbox, and housing can be a nightmare. Simcenter helps you accurately replicate the integrated e-drive and review the system NVH.  You can test and correlate your results with the physical system.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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