Stratasys and BASF Partner with Polypropylene Material

The material will be available for viewing at the Stratasys booth during the upcoming RAPID + TCT Expo.

The material will be available for viewing at the Stratasys booth during the upcoming RAPID + TCT Expo.

Flexible automotive component produced with SAF PP on the Stratasys H350, ideal for tight and chemical resistance applications. Image courtesy of Business Wire.

Stratasys makes commercially available its new material, SAF Polypropylene (PP) for use on the Stratasys H350 printer, set to launch in fourth quarter of 2024. The material will be available for viewing at the Stratasys booth during the upcoming RAPID + TCT Expo in Los Angeles, CA, June 25–27.

Stratasys SAF PP, offered in partnership with BASF Forward AM, is designed to provide cost efficiency and part quality in Powder Bed Fusion technologies. This material offers a lower cost per part and better surface aesthetics compared to existing materials and is designed to meet the demands of high-volume production while maintaining quality, the companies report.

“With superior nesting ability and a total turnaround time of less than 36 hours, SAF PP allows customers to produce hundreds of parts in a single build,” says Neil Hopkinson, vice president, Additive Manufacturing Technology, Stratasys. “This boosts productivity and cost efficiency, delivering high-quality parts at a lower cost.”

SAF PP is engineered for a range of applications, catering to diverse industries such as automotive, medical, consumer sports and industrial sectors. SAF PP provides durability, chemical resistance and flexibility for automotive components like housings and ducting, as well as orthotic devices and consumer sports gear like shin guards. Its lightweight nature, and water and air tightness.

The new material has demonstrated the capability to produce defect-free parts with complex geometries, such as flexible tight pipes and intricate sensor mounts, the companies note.

“We are pleased to collaborate with Stratasys on the development of this new polypropylene material, optimized for their SAF 3D printing technology,” adds Martin Back, CEO, BASF Forward AM. “This partnership underscores our commitment to providing robust AM solutions tailored to the needs of industrial manufacturers.”

Stratasys invites attendees to visit its booth at Rapid.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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